Food for thought

I've been a diabetic since I was thirteen.

I was first diagnosed as hypoglycemic which means my blood sugar level is lower than normal. But mine was really way below normal.

The sugar level was so abnormal that I would often collapse two to three times a day. 

In high school, I remember going home often with a bruise or a bump due to hitting the pavement or the wooden platform used as elevated stands by the teachers.

It was so difficult controlling the sugar especially since I was very active in school.

Years later, the hypoglycemia became a type 2 diabetes and that's when my roller coaster ride with diabetes started.

The first year was the worst because my sugar level was like a seesaw going up and down. No amount of medication or diet could control it. I had to change medication several times before I finally managed the sugar level.

I switch to vegetables and fish and avoid pork as much as I can. I would eat beef and chicken but I much prefer fish and seafood. This is probably the reason why despite having type 2 diabetes, I did not develop other internal organ complications like other diabetics. My blood pressure is normal, my kidneys are healthy, even my heart is healthy.

But the sugar affected my lifestyle. And that is when my interest in food began. I became more conscious of what I am eating. 

Mind you, I would often cheat because I really love to eat delicious food. My favorite is pasta, all kinds of pasta. But I try to balance the kind of food I eat and what I love to eat.

In this foodie blog, I will share with you some of my favorite recipes that I learned to cook from the different places I lived in and visited over the years. The will share with you the ingredients I used as a substitute taking into consideration my condition without sacrificing taste and quality.

I hope you enjoy reading and trying out the recipes.
